When I tell people what I do, they usually respond with “you must be really good with numbers” and in all honestly, my mental arithmetic could be better! What the business world requires of an accountant is far removed from the ‘bean counter’ stereotype that people have in mind when they think of an accountant! Yes, I am good with numbers – but so is a calculator! Delivering a top notch service to small and medium businesses requires accountants to have a whole range of skills, beyond just the ability to do maths. This has never been more evident than it is now.
As I am writing this, the UK is well into the coronavirus lockdown. The economic landscape changed overnight, businesses are in survival mode and quite rightly, business owners are anxious about the future.
During this time, like so many others, I am working from home, juggling home-schooling children and concerns over finances, it has been and still is tough! But what this crisis has enabled me to do, is to reflect on what service our clients need from us, what our role is and the skills we must have to be able to support our clients during this crisis, and beyond. Furthermore, how these factors are important to acknowledge as part of our plans to grow our Norfolk presence.